Calories in 1 pat
Not Available
Calories in 1 tbsp
Not Available
Calories in 1 cup
Not Available
Calories in 1 stick
Not Available
Not Applicable
% Fat Content
Not Available
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid, Folate)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
Vitamin E (Alpha- Tocopherol)
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)
Health Benefits
Aids in gut easing, gastrointestinal problems and digestion
Absorps of Calcium & Vitamin B
Other General Benefits
Yogurt is rich in Calcium, Phosphorus and Vitamin B
Skin Care
Applying it to the skin can help ease the pain of sunburn
Natural moisturizer, Exfoliates dead skin from body, Rich in Lactic acid
Hair Care
Excellent hair conditioner
Nutritional Importance & Uses
Nutritional Importance
Good source of Calcium, Rich in Phosphorus
Contains good amount of Vitamins, Good source of Calcium, Good source of protein, High Calorie
Cacik and Sour cream Allergy Symptoms
Not Available
Diarrhea, Hives, Itchy eyes, Itchy Skin rashes, Nasal congestion, Nasal stuffiness, Runny or stuffy nose, Sneezing, Watery eyes, Wheezing
What is
- It is a dish of seasoned, strained or diluted yogurt, eaten throughout the former Ottoman countries.
- It is similar to tarator in Balkan cuisine.
- It is made of salted strained yogurt or diluted yogurt mixed with cucumbers, garlic, salt, olive oil, sometimes with vinegar or lemon juice, and some herbs like dill, mint, parsley, thyme etc.
- Sour cream is a dairy product obtained by fermenting a regular cream with certain kinds of lactic acid bacteria.
- The bacterial culture, which is introduced either deliberately of naturally, sour and thickens the cream.
Not Available
Cacik and Sour cream Flavor
Cacik and Sour cream Aroma
Fresh, Sour smell
Europe, Greece, Italy
1 tbsp olive oil, 3 cloves garlic, 3 cucumbers, Mint, Yogurt
Plain cream, Skim milk
Fermentation Agent
Not Applicable
Not Available
Things you need
Bowl, Stirrer
Preparation Time
15- 20 minutes
20- 25 minutes
Aging time
Not Available
Not Available
Refrigeration Temperature
Shelf Life
1 day
1- 2 Weeks