Vitamin B9 (Folic acid, Folate)
6.00 µg 32
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
0.00 mg 29
Vitamin E (Alpha- Tocopherol)
0.27 mg 22
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)
2.60 µg 10
Healthy bones, Health Food, Protects against heart diseases, Prevents Cancer, Stimulates brain and its functions, Strengthens the immune system 0
Good for bones, Good for immune system, Improves brain health, Improves cardiovascular health 0
Gives a smoother skin, Helps to slow down signs of ageing 0
Nutritional Importance & Uses
Aged cheese can be used as grating cheese, It works excellent as a table Cheese 0
Contains Zinc, Good source of Calcium, Good source of Vitamin B-12, Phosphorus rich, Rich source of vitamin K2 0
Abdominal bloating, Abdominal cramps, Abdominal pain, Anaphylaxis, Constipation, Decrease in Blood pressure, Diarrhea, Eczema, Flatulence or gas, Nausea, accompanied by vomiting, Rashes in the form of hives, Rumbling or gurgling sounds in stomach, Runny or stuffy nose 0
Fontina Cheese is an Italian, cow milk cheese that has acquired PDO status European law. 0
Brine solution, Calcium Chloride, Cow milk, Rennet 0
Cheese Press, Cheesecloth, Knife, Blender, Mould, Plastic wrap, Press 0
Refrigeration Temperature
39.20 °F 19
About Fontina Cheese
There are thousands of references, all over the web about Fontina Cheese, some explaining its nutritional value, some the health benefits of Fontina Cheese, while some elucidating the methods of how to make Fontina Cheese. But how about you get to know all about Fontina Cheese, on just one page! Yes you heard it, here you will get to know all information about Fontina Cheese. To begin with, Fontina Cheese is a Dairy product that belongs to the category . It is made using Brine Solution, Calcium Chloride, Cow Milk, Rennet. Moreover here you will get to know how many Fontina Cheese Calories will you gain, and the other nutrients by consuming Fontina Cheese. This Dairy product has a plethora of benefits, which you will get to know here, accompanied by the Nutritional importance and uses of Fontina Cheese. The Fontina Cheese Nutrition, will give you the vitamin and mineral content in Fontina Cheese. And at last you will get to know What is Fontina Cheese, with all the interesting facts about Fontina Cheese.