
Gruyere Cheese
Gruyere Cheese

Blue Cheese
Blue Cheese

Gruyere Cheese
Blue Cheese

Gruyere Cheese vs Blue Cheese Calories

1 Calories
1.1 Calories
Semifreddo Calo..
413.00 Kcal
Rank: 13 (Overall)
353.00 Kcal
Rank: 30 (Overall)
Organic Milk Calories
1.2 Calories in 1 cup
Butter Calories
545.00 Kcal
Rank: 21 (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Yak Butter Calories
1.3 Calories in 1 tbsp
Butter Calories
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Whipped cream Calories
1.4 Calories in 1 oz
Butter Calories
116.00 Kcal
Rank: 21 (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Paneer Calories
1.5 Calories in 1 slice of
Mursik Calories
116.00 Kcal
Rank: 11 (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Paneer Calories
1.6 Serving size
1.7 Proteins
Butter Calories
29.81 g
Rank: 7 (Overall)
21.40 g
Rank: 25 (Overall)
Evaporated Milk Calories
1.8 Carbs
Dadiah Calories
0.36 g
Rank: 90 (Overall)
2.34 g
Rank: 72 (Overall)
Cocoa Butter Calories
1.8.1 Fiber
Almond Butter C..
0.00 g
Rank: 15 (Overall)
0.00 g
Rank: 15 (Overall)
Milk Calories
1.8.2 Sugar
Caramel Calories
0.36 g
Rank: 3 (Overall)
0.50 g
Rank: 9 (Overall)
Swiss Cheese Calories
1.9 Fats
Dadiah Calories
32.34 g
Rank: 84 (Overall)
28.74 g
Rank: 68 (Overall)
Yakult Calories
1.9.1 Fat Content
Almond Butter C..
45 %
Rank: 15 (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Paneer Calories
1.9.2 Saturated Fat
Dadiah Calories
18.19 g
Rank: 65 (Overall)
18.67 g
Rank: 69 (Overall)
Amasi Calories
1.9.3 Trans Fat
Port de salut C..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Milk Calories
1.9.4 Polyunsaturated Fat
Qurut Calories
1.73 g
Rank: 11 (Overall)
0.80 g
Rank: 32 (Overall)
Paneer Calories
1.9.5 Monounsaturated Fat
Cocoa Butter Ca..
10.04 g
Rank: 12 (Overall)
7.78 g
Rank: 31 (Overall)
Zincica Calories

Gruyere Cheese and Blue Cheese Calories

Wouldn't you want to compare Gruyere Cheese and Blue Cheese Calories?. Gruyere Cheese vs Blue Cheese Calories, compares Gruyere Cheese and Blue Cheese, based on their calorie content. Based on this comparison it is evident that Gruyere Cheese has 413.00 Kcal whereas Blue Cheese contains 353.00 Kcal per 100g. Now, it is not just Calories that you can compare, but also the Protein content, amount of Carbohydrates and most importantly the Fat content of both these Dairy products. Moreover, here you will get to know, Why to have Gruyere Cheese ? or Why to have Blue Cheese?. If you consume calories, then definitely it will affect your body. Get to know all the effects of consuming Gruyere Cheese and Blue Cheese Calories, and if that isn't enough then compare their health benefits so as to get a better understanding of how Gruyere Cheese and Blue Cheese affect your body.