My Dairy Diet

What is Junket and Brie Cheese?

What is Brie Cheese and Junket

What is

What is
Junket is a milk-based dessert, made with sweetened milk and rennet, the digestive enzyme which curdles milk. It might best be described as a custard or a very soft, sweetened cheese.   
  • Brie cheese is a French soft Cheese, named after the French region Brie.
  • It is made form unpasteurized cow's milk and has a tangy taste.

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Not Available   

Junket and Brie Cheese Flavor
Not Available   
Fruity, Mild, Nutty, Tangy   

Junket and Brie Cheese Aroma
Not Available   
Pronounced, Strong   

Not Available   

American, Denmark   

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Comparison of Dairy Foods High in Calcium

Dairy Foods High in Calcium

Dairy Foods High in Calcium

Comparison of Dairy Foods High in Calcium