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Diet Biasa Kula

Carane nggawe Swiss Cheese lan Gomme

Carane nggawe Gomme lan Swiss Cheese

Carane nggawe

Bantu Size

keju Salt, susu Cow pasteurized, bakteri Propioni, budaya wiwitan, rennet vegetarian, Water   
5-6 Eggs, Brown Sugar, buttermilk, Cinnamon kelet, susu lemak Full   

fermentasi Agent
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus helveticus, Propionibacterium freudenreichii sbsp. shermani, Streptococcus salivarius sbsp thermophilus   
Not Applicable   

Iku sampeyan kudu
keju Press, cheesecloth, piso, pot gedhe, Wire whisk   
pot gedhe   

wektu Duration

Wektu Preparation
3- 4 jam   
15 20 menit   

Wektu Cooking

tuwa wektu
2 - 4 minggu   
ora Sumadhiya   

Panyimpenan lan Beting Life

Pendingin suhu
39.20 ° F   
ora Sumadhiya   

beting Life
1 Month   
2- 3 minggu   

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