All About Spaghettieis
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid, Folate)
9.00 µg 26
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
0.00 mg 29
Vitamin E (Alpha- Tocopherol)
0.51 mg 16
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)
1.30 µg 19
Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidative effect, Best for weight loss, Remedy for stress & anxiety, Improves cognitive thinking, Presence of calcium makes teeth strong & healthy, Protects arteries 0
Antioxidative effect, Cures and heals acne & acne scars, Excellent natural remedy for sunburns, Helps to slow down signs of ageing 0
Excellent hair conditioner, Results in shiny hair 0
Nutritional Importance & Uses
Good source of Calcium, Contains good amount of Vitamins, Rich in Vitamin A 0
Spaghettieis is a German ice cream dish made to look like a plate of spaghetti. In the dish, vanilla ice cream is extruded through a modified Spätzle press or potato ricer, giving it the appearance of spaghetti. 0
Coconut shreds, Orange juice, Softened Vanilla ice cream, Strawberries, Sugar, Whipped cream, White chocolate shavings 0
Blender, Potato ricer, Sundae cups 0
Refrigeration Temperature
45.00 °F 16
About Spaghettieis
There are thousands of references, all over the web about Spaghettieis, some explaining its nutritional value, some the health benefits of Spaghettieis, while some elucidating the methods of how to make Spaghettieis. But how about you get to know all about Spaghettieis, on just one page! Yes you heard it, here you will get to know all information about Spaghettieis. To begin with, Spaghettieis is a Dairy product that belongs to the category . It is made using Coconut Shreds, Orange Juice, Softened Vanilla Ice Cream, Strawberries, Sugar, Whipped Cream, White Chocolate Shavings. Moreover here you will get to know how many Spaghettieis Calories will you gain, and the other nutrients by consuming Spaghettieis. This Dairy product has a plethora of benefits, which you will get to know here, accompanied by the Nutritional importance and uses of Spaghettieis. The Spaghettieis Nutrition, will give you the vitamin and mineral content in Spaghettieis. And at last you will get to know What is Spaghettieis, with all the interesting facts about Spaghettieis.